演讲嘉宾-Khasha Ghaffarzadeh

Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh is the Research Director at IDTechEx. He has helped deliver over 50 consulting projects for our clients across the world. The projects have covered custom market research, technology scouting, partnership/customer development, technology roadmapping, product positioning, competitive analysis and investment due diligence.   The projects have focused on a variety of emerging technologies such as energy storage, advanced materials, functional inks and coatings, novel display technologies, 3D printing, photovoltaics, printed electronics, electronic textiles, sensors, actuators, etc.   Khasha has also research and commercialized multiple top-selling market research reports on a variety of topics such as such advanced materials, printed electronics, novel display technologies, photovoltaics, functional inks and coatings and now robotics.   In doing so Khasha has established a strong name in the industry. He has presented in more than 60 conferences in South Korea, Japan, China, UK, Canada, USA, Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Furthermore, he is regularly cited in leading journals/magazines or industry publications such as Financial Times, Gigaom, ET News Korea, EE Times, IEEE, SID, PCB Magazine, News Materials, Graphene Tracker, Azonano, etc.   Khasha has also developed and helped commercialize our business intelligence subscription service resulting in double-digit revenue growth for our research products. He also closely collaborates with our territory managers to organize/run regular targeted sales missions to our all major global sales territories including Japan, Korea, Germany and France.   Prior to joining IDTechEx, Khasha Ghaffarzadeh obtained his PhD and MPhil from the University College London and the University of Cambridge, respectively. During his PhD he worked with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology to identify, explain and solve an instability mechanism degrading the lifetime of a key emerging display backplane technology for large-sized OLED displays. He published his research in leading journals such as Nature Materials (x1), Applied Physics Letters (x4), SID Digest of Technical Papers (x1), IEDM Proceedings (x1). His papers are cited more 350 times in the past five years.
演讲题目:Graphene and Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Commercialization: Past, Present and Future

Graphene offers tremendous opportunity. Indeed, we forecast that it will become a $220m market by 2026. Despite this, many graphene companies are in that crucial step where they finally have to convert their numerous leads into sales. Many struggle to diversify away from small volume sales to the researcher community and the nominal global production capacity is still hugely underutilised.
Nonetheless, the industry is accumulating experience, is finding the best applications to focus on, and is demonstrating tangible commercial progress. In fact, several companies in Asia have already secured several sales in tens of tonne scale. Indeed, we are at the beginning of the beginning of commercial success. In this talk, we outline the past, present and future of graphene whilst considering trends in production capacity, price, revenues, and applications.
Graphene commercialization, in many ways, is following in the footsteps of CNTs. This technology too experienced a hype cycle but now is making a steady but fairly quiet commercial progress. Indeed, it has entered the phase of rapid volume growth partially thanks to its falling price over the past few years. In this talk, we will consider the past, present and future of CNTs in terms of the evolution of industry production capacity, price, revenues, and applications.

This talk will cover:
Diversity of graphene
Price disparity
Global production capacity
The rise of new graphene producing territories 
Graphene application pipeline
Investment, revenue and valuation trends
MWCNT types and cost evolution
History of MWCNT production capacity
MWCNT application pipeline
Market forecasts



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
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凯发_Khasha Ghaffarzadeh


演讲嘉宾-Khasha Ghaffarzadeh

Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh is the Research Director at IDTechEx. He has helped deliver over 50 consulting projects for our clients across the world. The projects have covered custom market research, technology scouting, partnership/customer development, technology roadmapping, product positioning, competitive analysis and investment due diligence.   The projects have focused on a variety of emerging technologies such as energy storage, advanced materials, functional inks and coatings, novel display technologies, 3D printing, photovoltaics, printed electronics, electronic textiles, sensors, actuators, etc.   Khasha has also research and commercialized multiple top-selling market research reports on a variety of topics such as such advanced materials, printed electronics, novel display technologies, photovoltaics, functional inks and coatings and now robotics.   In doing so Khasha has established a strong name in the industry. He has presented in more than 60 conferences in South Korea, Japan, China, UK, Canada, USA, Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Furthermore, he is regularly cited in leading journals/magazines or industry publications such as Financial Times, Gigaom, ET News Korea, EE Times, IEEE, SID, PCB Magazine, News Materials, Graphene Tracker, Azonano, etc.   Khasha has also developed and helped commercialize our business intelligence subscription service resulting in double-digit revenue growth for our research products. He also closely collaborates with our territory managers to organize/run regular targeted sales missions to our all major global sales territories including Japan, Korea, Germany and France.   Prior to joining IDTechEx, Khasha Ghaffarzadeh obtained his PhD and MPhil from the University College London and the University of Cambridge, respectively. During his PhD he worked with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology to identify, explain and solve an instability mechanism degrading the lifetime of a key emerging display backplane technology for large-sized OLED displays. He published his research in leading journals such as Nature Materials (x1), Applied Physics Letters (x4), SID Digest of Technical Papers (x1), IEDM Proceedings (x1). His papers are cited more 350 times in the past five years.
演讲题目:Graphene and Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Commercialization: Past, Present and Future

Graphene offers tremendous opportunity. Indeed, we forecast that it will become a $220m market by 2026. Despite this, many graphene companies are in that crucial step where they finally have to convert their numerous leads into sales. Many struggle to diversify away from small volume sales to the researcher community and the nominal global production capacity is still hugely underutilised.
Nonetheless, the industry is accumulating experience, is finding the best applications to focus on, and is demonstrating tangible commercial progress. In fact, several companies in Asia have already secured several sales in tens of tonne scale. Indeed, we are at the beginning of the beginning of commercial success. In this talk, we outline the past, present and future of graphene whilst considering trends in production capacity, price, revenues, and applications.
Graphene commercialization, in many ways, is following in the footsteps of CNTs. This technology too experienced a hype cycle but now is making a steady but fairly quiet commercial progress. Indeed, it has entered the phase of rapid volume growth partially thanks to its falling price over the past few years. In this talk, we will consider the past, present and future of CNTs in terms of the evolution of industry production capacity, price, revenues, and applications.

This talk will cover:
Diversity of graphene
Price disparity
Global production capacity
The rise of new graphene producing territories 
Graphene application pipeline
Investment, revenue and valuation trends
MWCNT types and cost evolution
History of MWCNT production capacity
MWCNT application pipeline
Market forecasts



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号