演讲嘉宾-Vittorio Pellegrini

Vittorio Pellegrini

  Vittorio Pellegrini教授是意大利石墨烯研究的领军人物,是意大利技术研究院(IIT)石墨烯中心主任,是欧盟石墨烯旗舰计划储能领域应用项目组负责人,同时现任旗舰计划执行委员会主席。此外Vittorio Pellegrini教授还负责多个国家级和欧盟项目,例如欧盟玛丽居里ITN项目。
  Vittorio Pellegrini教授领导的团队主要研究方向是低维半导体系统与石墨烯的物理特性及应用,近期主要研究石墨烯制备及其在储能、高分子复合材料、纤维复合材料等方面的应用。其中相对成熟的纤维复合材料技术、铜缆上CVD生长石墨烯技术已经开始与意大利及欧洲的厂商展开合作,进行商业化应用探索。
  基于Vittorio Pellegrini 教授在石墨烯应用方面拥有多项适合在中国推广的产业化技术,2018中国国际石墨烯创新大会组委会特邀请他做大会报告,与大家分享意大利技术研究院(IIT)近期的科研成果。Pellegrini 教授也希望借助大会的平台,能够与更多的国内外企业和机构展开积极的交流与合作,推动石墨烯一带一路合作,为中国乃至全球的石墨烯产业发展贡献力量。

演讲题目:Graphene-based electrodes for high-power Li-ion batteries

The future of energy sustainability is linked to the development of efficient energy storage facilities [1]. For an increasingly diverse range of application, spanning from automotive to portable high-end electronics, lithium-ion battery technology plays a pivotal role today, and will continue to do so over the next few years[2,3]. However, to extend their use, these systems require further improvements either in terms of energy density and cycle life performance [4]. In this context, the choice of proper anode and cathode materials plays a pivotal role [5].
In this talk I will show that a novel laminated silicon-graphene heterostructure provides superior performance as anode nanomaterial in half and full Li-ion cells [6,7]. It is composed by dispersing carbon-coated polycrystalline silicon nanoparticles in between a few parallel oriented few-layers graphene flakes produced by liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) leading to high capacity values of around 1000 mAh/g at current values up to 3.5 A/g.  On the cathode side, I will address a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)-graphene nanohybrid obtained by a direct LFP crystal colloidal synthesis on few-layer graphene (FLG) flakes produced by LPE [8]. In Li-ion batteries, we achieve fast charge/discharge responses to high specific currents. We demonstrate a specific capacity exceeding 110 mAh g-1 at 20 C, with no electrode damaging. 
The method here proposed yields a scalable production path of novel graphene-based materials for the next generation of high-power lithium batteries.

*work done in collaboration with Laura Silvestri, Stefano Palumbo, Francesco Bonaccorso, Gianluca Longoni, Liberato Manna

[1] M. Armand, J.-M. Tarascon, Building better batteries., Nature. 451 (2008) 652. 
[2] K. Mizushima, P.C. Jones, P.J. Wiseman, J.B. Goodenough, LixCoO2 (0<x<1): A new cathode material for batteries of high energy density, Solid State Ionics. 4 (1981) 171.
[3] B. Nykvist, M. Nilsson, Rapidly falling costs of battery packs for electric vehicles, Nat. Clim. Chang. 5 (2015) 329.
[4] C.P. Grey, J.M. Tarascon, Sustainability and in situ monitoring in battery development, Nat. Publ. Gr. 16 (2017). 
[5] F. Bonaccorso, et al., Graphene, 2d crystal and hybrid structures for energy conversion and storage. Science 347 (2015), 1246501.
[6] E. Greco, G. Nava, R. Fathi, F. Fumagalli, A.E. Del Rio-Castillo, A. Ansaldo, S. Monaco, F. Bonaccorso, V. Pellegrini, F. Di Fonzo. Few-layer graphene improves silicon performance in Li-ion battery anodes, J. Material Chemistry A 5 (2017) 19306.
[7] S. Palumbo, L. Silvestri, V. Pellegrini et al. In preparation. 
[8] G. Longoni, J.K. Panda, L. Gagliani, R. Brescia, L. Manna, F. Bonaccorso, V.  Pellegrini, in situ LiFePO4 nano-particles grown on few-layer graphene flakes as high-power cathode nanohybrids for lithium-ion batteries, Nano Energy 51 (2018) 656.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号
凯发_Vittorio Pellegrini


演讲嘉宾-Vittorio Pellegrini

Vittorio Pellegrini

  Vittorio Pellegrini教授是意大利石墨烯研究的领军人物,是意大利技术研究院(IIT)石墨烯中心主任,是欧盟石墨烯旗舰计划储能领域应用项目组负责人,同时现任旗舰计划执行委员会主席。此外Vittorio Pellegrini教授还负责多个国家级和欧盟项目,例如欧盟玛丽居里ITN项目。
  Vittorio Pellegrini教授领导的团队主要研究方向是低维半导体系统与石墨烯的物理特性及应用,近期主要研究石墨烯制备及其在储能、高分子复合材料、纤维复合材料等方面的应用。其中相对成熟的纤维复合材料技术、铜缆上CVD生长石墨烯技术已经开始与意大利及欧洲的厂商展开合作,进行商业化应用探索。
  基于Vittorio Pellegrini 教授在石墨烯应用方面拥有多项适合在中国推广的产业化技术,2018中国国际石墨烯创新大会组委会特邀请他做大会报告,与大家分享意大利技术研究院(IIT)近期的科研成果。Pellegrini 教授也希望借助大会的平台,能够与更多的国内外企业和机构展开积极的交流与合作,推动石墨烯一带一路合作,为中国乃至全球的石墨烯产业发展贡献力量。

演讲题目:Graphene-based electrodes for high-power Li-ion batteries

The future of energy sustainability is linked to the development of efficient energy storage facilities [1]. For an increasingly diverse range of application, spanning from automotive to portable high-end electronics, lithium-ion battery technology plays a pivotal role today, and will continue to do so over the next few years[2,3]. However, to extend their use, these systems require further improvements either in terms of energy density and cycle life performance [4]. In this context, the choice of proper anode and cathode materials plays a pivotal role [5].
In this talk I will show that a novel laminated silicon-graphene heterostructure provides superior performance as anode nanomaterial in half and full Li-ion cells [6,7]. It is composed by dispersing carbon-coated polycrystalline silicon nanoparticles in between a few parallel oriented few-layers graphene flakes produced by liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) leading to high capacity values of around 1000 mAh/g at current values up to 3.5 A/g.  On the cathode side, I will address a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)-graphene nanohybrid obtained by a direct LFP crystal colloidal synthesis on few-layer graphene (FLG) flakes produced by LPE [8]. In Li-ion batteries, we achieve fast charge/discharge responses to high specific currents. We demonstrate a specific capacity exceeding 110 mAh g-1 at 20 C, with no electrode damaging. 
The method here proposed yields a scalable production path of novel graphene-based materials for the next generation of high-power lithium batteries.

*work done in collaboration with Laura Silvestri, Stefano Palumbo, Francesco Bonaccorso, Gianluca Longoni, Liberato Manna

[1] M. Armand, J.-M. Tarascon, Building better batteries., Nature. 451 (2008) 652. 
[2] K. Mizushima, P.C. Jones, P.J. Wiseman, J.B. Goodenough, LixCoO2 (0<x<1): A new cathode material for batteries of high energy density, Solid State Ionics. 4 (1981) 171.
[3] B. Nykvist, M. Nilsson, Rapidly falling costs of battery packs for electric vehicles, Nat. Clim. Chang. 5 (2015) 329.
[4] C.P. Grey, J.M. Tarascon, Sustainability and in situ monitoring in battery development, Nat. Publ. Gr. 16 (2017). 
[5] F. Bonaccorso, et al., Graphene, 2d crystal and hybrid structures for energy conversion and storage. Science 347 (2015), 1246501.
[6] E. Greco, G. Nava, R. Fathi, F. Fumagalli, A.E. Del Rio-Castillo, A. Ansaldo, S. Monaco, F. Bonaccorso, V. Pellegrini, F. Di Fonzo. Few-layer graphene improves silicon performance in Li-ion battery anodes, J. Material Chemistry A 5 (2017) 19306.
[7] S. Palumbo, L. Silvestri, V. Pellegrini et al. In preparation. 
[8] G. Longoni, J.K. Panda, L. Gagliani, R. Brescia, L. Manna, F. Bonaccorso, V.  Pellegrini, in situ LiFePO4 nano-particles grown on few-layer graphene flakes as high-power cathode nanohybrids for lithium-ion batteries, Nano Energy 51 (2018) 656.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号